Dermaplaning – separating fact from fiction

Dermaplaning does not make your hair grow back thicker or darker, and it’s not just expensive shaving. Shaving is done at a 30 degree angle and dermaplaning is done at a 45 degree angle. The exfoliation and hair removal benefits are much better with dermaplaning because of this.

We have two types of hair on our bodies. The fine peach fuzz is called vellus hair, and the thicker hair on our heads, legs, underarms, etc is called terminal hair. When we go through puberty, the increase in testosterone hormone levels causes a lot of the peach fuzz on our bodies to turn into terminal hair. This is why even women with a hormone imbalance from conditions such as PCOS, will sometimes notice thicker, coarse hair growing on the chin and jawline.

The way hair grows is determined by your genetics, your age, and your hormones. And a razor or a scalpel or wax will not change that. If you have blonde peach fuzz on your face and you dermaplane it, blonde peach fuzz is what will grow back. It might feel prickly for a couple of days because you cut the hair off at a blunt angle, but after a few days… back to peach fuzz. If you have coarse hair on your jawline and you dermaplane it, coarse hair it will grow back. Cutting it off at the surface absolutely will not change the physiology of your hair. If it did, I’d be shaving my head every couple years to see if I could grow a thick head of hair again LOL.
Don’t worry, you’re not going to end up with a beard if you dermaplane your face!

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